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Meet the Posthole Digger

Jim Tesdall – a measured, married Midwesterner finishing a mission

I remain a progress in work:
-32 commonplace jobs, 14 of which were in sales & marketing
-well-coached early on by an exceptional boss
-mentored surreptitiously (they were unaware) by more than a few
-drilled prescriptively through doings and dealings

Such is the way I have learned the lessons of Solomon.

Six venues of higher education offered me instruction; I flunked Freshman Composition; but even I was able to maneuver a way out of a big U with one degree.  Some years passed when I gained access to a classical language scholar for timely tutoring.

My wife is my girlfriend of 52 years.

Not one of my 5 grown children free-rides in my basement; 12 grandchildren messing up my house bring me abundant happiness with each visit.

I am socially distant from FACE-TWIT media, but I yell at the tv now and then.

Routinely I ‘always’ regard my wife’s home improvement lists, ‘never’ the slacker.  Regularly I do chin-ups and push-ups because I quite regularly like to eat. I have most of my teeth.

A childhood longing to be a farmer realized, I continue as just one phd among many. is a publication of Prairietown Publishing Company, Morris, Illinois.

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